Sunday, July 12, 2015

~Jewels By hikchik~

                                                 ~So Much Fun To Make And Wear~
                                 ~I Got Carried Away~You'll Find My Jewelry In All My Booths~
                                           ~I Love The Look With All My New Blouses~
                                ~Purchased From Mary~Owner Of The Country Rose Shops~
                                               ~Located In Poy Sippi~Check Her FB Page~

                                                         ~Great Look With Vintage~

                              ~So Classic~Glad I Saved My Vintage Blouses, Sweaters & Coats~


  1. Good Grief - you've been busy!
    By the way - did you guys go out for John's birthday?

  2. No party but we did go out together and the with his dad.
    I've been working my A~~ off but it's good for me to do that..
