Thursday, December 10, 2020

I Picked Out My First Project For 2021

                                                           The Beast!!
                                     I Have A Couple Ideas For This Piece..
                                            I'm Thinking Office Space..
                                  It's A Great Piece Solid & Well Made..
                               It Would Also Make A Great Jewelry Chest.. 
                                 Don't Worry Old Girl I'm Save You...
                                             UP DATE ON THE BEAST...
                                       Today I Started Work On This Piece..
                                       Get A Load Of The Drawer Space...

                             I Got The Drawers Completed Today....
                        Now To Get The Rest Of The Piece In The House...





  1. For sure...I planned all the drawers out...It will be storage for my design books, office stuff and storage for my paper, transfers, stencil's...The top 3 drawers have dividers, super cool lay out...I'm starting on it next week...
